Tuberculosis Tests (TB Tests)

We offer both TB skin test and blood test for those planning to study abroad or migrate.

Service Details

Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux Test)


TB tests are nurse-led. If the result is positive, a follow-up chest x-ray and doctor consultation may be necessary to exclude active TB disease.

  • Assessment of test requirement
  • Administering tuberculin skin test
  • Reviewing test results between 48-72 hours
  • Medical certificate

Additional Test

  • Two-step tuberculin skin test (Two-step Mantoux Test)

Additional Items

  • Completing travel / migrant / school health form
  • Chest x-ray + Doctor follow-up (if TB test positive)

TB Blood Test (IGRA)


TB tests are nurse-led. If the result is positive, a follow-up chest x-ray and doctor consultation may be necessary to exclude active TB disease.

  • Assessment of test requirement
  • Blood taking *Only available before 4pm Monday to Friday (not the eve of public holiday)
  • Reviewing test results
  • Medical certificate

Additional Items

  • Completing travel / migrant / school health form
  • Chest x-ray + Doctor follow-up (if TB test positive)

Frequently Asked Questions