Tuberculosis Tests (TB Tests)

Offer both TB skin test and blood test, along with the required medical certification.

Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux Test)

If the result is positive, a follow-up chest x-ray and doctor consultation may be necessary to exclude active TB disease.


  • Assessment of test requirement
  • Administering tuberculin skin test
  • Reviewing results between 48-72 hours
  • Medical certificate

Additional Test

Two-step tuberculin skin test (Two-step Mantoux Test)

Additional Items

Completing travel / migrant / school health form
Chest x-ray + Doctor follow-up (if test positive)

TB Blood Test (IGRA)

If the result is positive, a follow-up chest x-ray and doctor consultation may be necessary to exclude active TB disease.


  • Assessment of test requirement
  • Blood taking *Only available before 4pm Monday to Friday (not the eve of public holiday)*
  • Reviewing test results
  • Medical certificate

Additional Items

Completing travel / migrant / school health form
Chest x-ray + Doctor follow-up (if test positive)


Some countries, like Canada, may require 2-step TST as proof of testing. This is because a person's TST reaction may become less sensitive over time, leading to a false negative on the first test. The benefit of conducting 2-step TST is that the first test can stimulate the immune response, making the second test more accurate.

To ensure accurate TB skin test results, you can have the test and live vaccine on the same day, or do the test 28 days after receiving the live vaccine.

A positive TB test result means you have been infected with TB bacteria, but it does not confirm active TB disease. If the result is positive, you may need a chest x-ray and a consultation with a doctor to rule out active TB disease. A negative result indicates that you are less likely to have TB.