Preventive Medication

To prevent life-threatening diseases such as malaria, high altitude illness and travellers’ diarrhoea, our doctor will recommend the appropriate preventive medication.

Service Details


Malaria is transmitted through mosquito bites. Take preventive medication and use measures to avoid mosquito bites.

  • Atovaquone Proguanil (Malarone®), per tab
  • Doxycycline, per tab
  • Mefloquine (Lariam®), per tab

Medication for AMS

Can help with acclimatization and lessen symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS).

  • Acetazolamide (Generic Diamox), per tab

Medication for Diarrhoea

Can help relieve traveller's diarrhea

  • Oral rehydration salts, per sachet
  • Probiotics, 10 capsule per pack
  • Antidiarrheals
    per item

Travel Medication

Prepare medications to reduce the impact on your trip and help you achieve important moments.

  • Analgesic & antipyretic
    per item
  • Antacids
    per item
  • Antiemetics
    per item
  • Antihistamines
    per item
  • Lozenges
    per item
  • Sleep-wake cycle regulation
    per item

Frequently Asked Questions